Discover HKICC 2017
About the Conference
As an annual flagship event organised by the Hong Kong Computer Society (HKCS), the 40th Hong Kong International Computer Conference (HKICC) is one of the best and most popular ICT conferences in Hong Kong. Near 500 delegates attended the conference of last year, representing a variety of local and overseas participants from public and private sector organisations, including renowned ICT professionals, academics, executives and senior government officers.
The theme of our conference this year is 嚙踝蕭Capitalise on the Belt and Road Initiative through Digital Innovation嚙踝蕭. It is no denying that Hong Kong is the world嚙踝蕭s largest platform for collaboration of 60 countries. Hong Kong嚙踝蕭s role: super connector
- A modern finance, logistics and trade hub
- World class property, Telecom, aviation, port and transit companies
- Extensive business experience along maritime road
Who Should Attend?
CEOs, CFOs, CTOs, CIOs, Strategists, Trend-setters, Innovators, Entrepreneurs, MIS Managers, Operation Managers, Marketing Managers, Academics, and Executives from the governments, both local & international corporations and anyone interested in benefiting from a thriving ICT industry.
For query about the Conference, please call us at 2834-2228 or email to [email protected]