Discover HKICC 2020
About the Conference
The Hong Kong International Computer Conference (HKICC) is an annual flagship event organised by the Hong Kong Computer Society (HKCS) since 1978 and is one of the best and most popular ICT conferences in Hong Kong. It brings together ICT professionals and experts, government leaders and business executives from local and abroad to share and discuss the latest trends of ICT innovations and developments in enhancing business opportunities and productivity.
> HKICC 2018
> HKICC 2019

Who Should Attend?
CEOs, CFOs, CTOs, CIOs, strategists, trend-setters, innovators, entrepreneurs, IS managers, operation and marketing managers, academics, and executives from the government, business and anyone interested in benefiting from a thriving ICT industry.
For query about the Conference, please call us at 2834-2228 or email to [email protected]
2020 has proven to be an eventful start of a new decade. Many in the industry are now saying COVID-19 is the biggest advocator of digital transformation. It is, therefore, important for the practitioners of the IT industry to better equip with the latest information in digital transformation that will impact many areas of our lifestyle in this digital age. Attending HKICC 2020, you will be hearing from experts from different industries on how digital transformation is impacting their day-to-day life and work. This conference is a 2-day conference with keynote sessions in the morning and 2 parallel sessions in the afternoon of each day.
事實證明,2020是本世紀二十年代一個重要的開端年。現在,許多業內人士都在述說,新型冠狀病毒是數碼化轉型的最大倡導者。身處數碼年代,數碼化轉型將對人類生活多個領域,均會產生重大影響;因此,對IT行業從業員而言,能更好地配備數碼化轉型的最新訊息,至為重要。你只要參加香港國際電腦會議2020(HKICC 2020),就會聆聽到來自不同行業的專家,對數碼化轉型如何影響他們日常生活與工作的真知灼見。此會議為期兩天,每日上午為主題演講,下午各有兩個分組研討環節。
Highlighted topics:
Digital Life: everything-as-a-service
From remote healthcare to distance learning, from virtual recruitment fairs to live concerts inside video games, we increasingly find ourselves being able to go about our lives from the comfort of our own ‘living rooms’. While often praised for efficiency, convenience and innovation, this trend also challenges the technological readiness of the service economy, and raises questions about digital inclusion and the absence of ‘real life’ human experiences. Can technology make Digital Life a positive and inclusive phenomenon?
This parallel session will explore how our daily life has changed post Covid-19, and related technology developments to support those changes. We have seen tremendous uptake on digital technology at home, such as online learning from K-12 to university, the trend for grocery and food delivery, increased demand for online shopping, renewed interest in video games / e-sports, as well as demands for healthcare-related technologies, such as telemedicine and AI medical chatbots. Companies are rushing to adopt digital transformation to meet these new online demands and lifestyle changes. This session will highlight use cases and related technologies.
Digital Workplace: access from everywhere
The notion of a decentralized workplace has quickly moved from futuristic vision to enforced reality. Things might never fully move back to the way they were. While business leaders grapple with the economic and human implications of the workplace of the future, it also poses a unique challenge for CTOs. Which technologies will take centre stage in enabling this transition in the way we work, and how can we make them safe and suitable for the Digital Workplace?
This parallel session will explore the technologies and the key success factors of implementing a digital workplace learned from the pandemic. The coronavirus crisis has an enormous impact on the world and indeed the culture of work. On one hand, the mass introduction of digital workplaces can bring productivity gains for companies and build digital dexterity. On the other hand, some potential pitfalls such as implication to social interaction, security, and compliance, that should be taken into consideration as well during the implementation of digital workplace. Experts in these areas will share their insight and experience in this session.
Digital Commerce: bespoke services at mass scale
Digital Commerce is one of the first big ‘use cases’ of the internet keeps pushing its boundaries today. AI-powered customer segmentation, mass personalization of products, increasingly autonomous delivery logistics, and a multitude of payment options – we can thank online commerce for many of these innovations. The world’s e-commerce giants are today more acquisitive than ever, competing not only in cyberspace but across entire supply chains, and even back into bricks-and-mortar locations. What should we expect next from Digital Commerce?
This parallel session will explore the digital disruption and acceleration of e-business caused by emerging digital technologies and the pandemic. The Covid-19 has not only led to changes in daily communication, but also impacts on consumer behaviour and retail strategies. In response to such outbreak, businesses are increasingly relying on digital services to serve their customers and differentiate from their competitors. It creates new sales opportunities, such as online sales channels, digital transformation in supply chain networks, advanced data analytics to warehouse robotics, and the switch from in-person conferences to virtual events, etc. This session will highlight use cases and related technologies.
Digital Future: the smart devices of tomorrow
Disruptive cloud-native, digital-first start-ups have quickly grown up to challenge long-standing incumbents in sectors as traditional as banking, insurance, power generation, hotels, shipping and many more. While the first wave of digital newcomers were best known for software-heavy but asset-light business models, today’s disruptors are just as likely to be focused on creating unique hardware, edge devices and smart sensors to embed into everyday objects all around us. What will be the next technologies to cross over into the mainstream and change our lives?
This parallel session will explore the revolution and future of Digital development caused by emerging digital technologies and the pandemic. The Covid-19 pandemic gives us an accelerated view of what the digital Future may look like. In response to such outbreak and the emerging of new technologies like 5G, IoT, more technology firms and startups will increasingly relying on digital services to serve their customers. It creates new change of business and opportunities. This session will highlight the insights, potential business model and future technology trends.