Discover HKICC 2021
About the Conference
The Hong Kong International Computer Conference (HKICC) is an annual flagship event organised by the Hong Kong Computer Society (HKCS) since 1978 and is one of the best and most popular ICT conferences in Hong Kong. It brings together ICT professionals and experts, government leaders and business executives from local and abroad to share and discuss the latest trends of ICT innovations and developments in enhancing business opportunities and productivity.
> HKICC 2019
> HKICC 2020

Who Should Attend?
CEOs, CFOs, CTOs, CIOs, strategists, trend-setters, innovators, entrepreneurs, IS managers, operation and marketing managers, academics, and executives from the government, business and anyone interested in benefiting from a thriving ICT industry.
For query about the Conference, please call us at 2834-2228 or email to [email protected]
Highlighted topics 焦點議題:
Sustainability and Smart Living / City: Good for today and tomorrow
可持續發展與智能生活 / 智慧城市:現在未來,同蒙其惠
Environmental, social and governance (ESG) has gained traction recently and playing a rapidly increasing role in investment decisions in Asia Pacific. Beyond just an investment option, sustainability is vital to the future of our world. As we find ways to increase prosperity and improve the quality of life while reducing overall impact to the environment, sustainability can create short and long-term value. Technology has the potential to dramatically improve cities in this front. Come and learn more about how technology can be embraced to create a more sustainable future.
環境、社會與管治 (ESG) 近年備受關注,並於亞太地區,迅速地在投資決策上扮演越來越重要的角色。可持續發展並非僅為投資選擇,其對世界的未來也極為重要。當我們尋求如何促進繁榮和改善生活質量,同時減少對環境的整體影響的方法時,可持續發展就能創造短期與長期價值。科技具有能顯著改善城市的潛能,誠邀閣下出席是次會議,了解更多關於如何利用科技,創造一個更可持續發展的未來。
Role of HK in GBA
This parallel session will explore the role of Hong Kong in the planning and development of Greater Bay Area as financial center, logistics and transportation center and the most important, innovation center as promulgated in the 14th Five-Year Plan.
Emerging Technologies: Opportunities and Challenges
Technologies play an instrumental role in transforming the society. Widespread applications of artificial intelligence (AI), blockchain, Internet of Things, cloud, and other emerging technologies have created ubiquitous and massive data platforms and applications that significantly enhance human well-being and create new innovations and opportunities. At the same time, such pervasive use of technologies create new challenges such as the ever increasing risk of cybersecurity and data privacy. Being able to appreciate technology development and leverage its capability is of paramount importance because of its tight coupling with our daily lives.
This parallel session will introduce state-of-the-art developments in several cornerstone technologies, including cloud computing, quantum computing, blockchain, and cybersecurity that form the core of the digital transformation. The speakers will survey the new developments in these areas and dissect the challenges and opportunities ahead of us in applying these technologies.
Hong Kong as an International Technology and Innovation Centre
Technology and innovation will give new impetus to Hong Kong's economy and provide valuable opportunities for our young generation in the years ahead. Instead of slowing down, COVID-19 has accelerated the pace and scale of tech innovation worldwide. With its solid science and technology foundation, vibrant ecosystem and international experience, Hong Kong is in a unique position to develop into a global influential technology and innovation hub. It is an opportune time for the government, industry and academia to work closer together and create new synergy in driving technological developments and fostering a culture of innovation for local economy.
This session will feature leaders from key stakeholder groups and generate a series of high-powered dialogue to look into what it takes for Hong Kong to unleash its full potential in developing into an International Technology and Innovation Centre.
科技與創新可為香港經濟注入新的動力,並為我們年輕一代提供寶貴發展機遇。新冠疫情並未令全球技術創新的步伐和規模放緩慢,反而加速發展。香港擁有雄厚的科技基礎實力、充滿活力的生態系統和國際經驗,在發展成為具全球影響力的科技和創新中心方面,享有得天獨厚的優勢。現正是政府、產業和學界緊密合作的大好時機,透過新的協同效應,可望進一步推動香港科技發展和培育創新文化 。