Partner, Public Sector Consulting, PricewaterhouseCoopers Hong Kong

Albert has over 23 years of consulting experience and has served a wide range of local and international clients in both the public and private sector, covering business areas such as innovation and technology, economic development, education, health and welfare, and media and communication. He has extensive experience in policy formulation and review, feasibility study and business planning in the areas of innovation and technology (I&T) and economic development.
Albert directed a project to assist the Hong Kong Government with developing a Smart City Blueprint in 2017 – the first ever attempt in Hong Kong to articulate the vision and roadmap of how Hong Kong should transform itself into a smart city. He also led a development strategy of a Common Spatial Data Infrastructure, which is a key element underpinning the Smart City development in Hong Kong. In addition, he led a number of projects for the Government related to smart tourism, spatial data applications and measures supporting the development of local I&T ecosystem. Albert also assisted the Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation and Cyberport with strategic projects on areas related to innovation and technology, and reindustralisation.
Albert actively serves the industry and some selected experiences are shown below:
- Member of the Council (2021-2023), Hong Kong Computer Society
- Chief Assessor (2022-2023), Smart Business Award (Emerging Technologies) under the HKICT Awards, Hong Kong Computer Society
- Chief Assessor (2021), Smart Business Award (Big Data and Open Data Application) under the HKICT Awards, Hong Kong Computer Society
- Assessor (2018-2020), Smart Business Award (Solution for Business and Public Sector Enterprise) under the HKICT Awards, Hong Kong Computer Society
- Member, Advisory Board of the GREAT Smart Cities Institute, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
- Deputy Chairperson 2023 – Greater Bay Area Committee, Greater China, CPA Australia
Albert is invited regularly to speak on smart city, innovation and technology, spatial data infrastructure and application of AI. He holds a PhD in Engineering from the University of Cambridge and was elected a Junior Research Fellowship of Wolfson College, Cambridge.
王君弼先生在管理諮詢服務領域擁有超過23年的豐富經驗,專注為政府及公共事務專案提供專業諮詢服務, 並覆蓋科技創新、經濟發展、教育、衛生及福利、以及媒體與通信等不同範疇。他在政策及戰略制定覆核,企業績效管理,對外投資以及科學園區/產業園區運營等不同領域均有豐富的經驗。
- 香港電腦學會理事會成員(2021-2023)
- 香港電腦學會頒發的香港資訊及通訊科技獎: 商業方案獎(新興技術)(2022-2023)首席評審
- 香港電腦學會頒發的香港資訊及通訊科技獎: 商業方案獎(大數據及開放數據應用)(2021)首席評審
- 香港電腦學會頒發的香港資訊及通訊科技獎: 商業方案獎(商業及公營機構方案)(2018-2020)評審
- 香港科技大學智慧城市研究中心顧問委員會成員
- 澳洲會計師公會大中華區大灣區委員會副主席(2023)