Mr Tang Bin, MHKCS 唐斌先生

Director of Greater China Affairs 大中華事務總監

Head of Fintech Department, Industrial and Commercial Bank of China

Head of FinTech Department, ICBC Asia, has been working in Industrial and Commercial Bank of China for over 16 years. As an experienced leader in fintech and large systematic whole-process management, Mr Bin Tang pioneers the department to be innovative, enterprising, pragmatic, and effective. As a practitioner and pacemaker of ICBC Asia’s “Enabling Innovation and Creating Value”Goal, he makes great contribution to practical and resourceful studies in banking. Upholding the “Go-global and Bring-in” attitude, he adheres to the aim of “Research to Plan, Plan to Implement”, and encourages the development idea of platformization, modularization, productization, and diversification. Mr Tang promotes diversified research methods, which are agile iterations, prototyping, and end-to-end. With his active advocate that quantitative micro-innovation adds up to the qualitative target of business transformation from fintech energy, Mr Tang successfully leads the whole department continuously achieve great success in digital transformation, which is a series of first launched and leading fintech innovative products in Hong Kong. As the Head of FinTech Department, his team won numerous prizes, such as First Prize of Science and Technology Progress Award in ICBC, First Prize of Advanced Innovation Group Award, Advanced Process Optimization Group-Outstanding Contribution Award, Creative Star Competition Award in ICBC Asia, and “Top Contributor Award” at Cybersec Infohub Annual Professional Workshop held by the Office of the Government Chief Information Officer of the Hong Kong SAR Government.

Mr Bin Tang has published several feature articles, such as “Thoughts on the Development of Open Banking in Hong Kong” in the journal Financial Computer of China, and “A Brief Analysis on the Development of Open Banking” in the official bulletin of Hong Kong Information Technology Annual Conference.

工銀亞洲金融科技部總經理,先後在工商銀行總行、工銀亞洲工作16年,具有豐富的金融科技和大型系統全流程管理經驗,帶領部門開拓創新、銳意進取、工作務實、效果顯著。作為工銀亞洲“創新賦能、價值創造”目標的踐行者、引路人,近年來在銀行創新理念、創新機制、創新文化方面擁有資深獨到的研究建樹:秉持“走出去、引進來”開放融合的態度,遵循“研究一批,規劃一批,實施一批”宗旨和節奏,鼓勵採取“平臺化、模組化、產品化和多樣化”研發理念,推進落實“敏捷反覆運算、原型法、端到端”多樣化研發,積極宣導“微創新”引起質變實現科技賦能業務經營轉型,成功主導研發並推出一系列香港首發或領先的金融科技創新產品,帶領團隊不斷輸出數位化轉型創新成果,所領導的金融科技部多次榮獲總行“科技進步一等獎”、工銀亞洲“創新先進集體一等獎”、“流程優化先進集體-突出貢獻獎”、“創意之星大賽”等多個重量級創新獎項,政府資訊科技總監辦公室頒發的網路安全諮詢共用夥伴計畫“傑出貢獻企業獎” 等獎項。

曾在《中國金融電腦》上發表專題文章《關於開放銀行在香港發展的思考》;參加香港資訊科技界年會並在大會刊物上發表專題文章《Open Banking發展淺析》。