Mr Alex Ho, MHKCS 何烱光先生
Convenor, Construction Tech Industry Group 建造業科技委員會召集人
Director – Industry Development
Construction Industry Council

Mr Ho, as the director of the Industry Development Division, is at the forefront of transforming the construction industry in Hong Kong. His initiatives focus on leveraging cutting-edge technologies and new methodologies to enhance productivity, sustainability, safety, and quality. He leads efforts in several key areas:
1. Adopting Cutting-Edge Technologies: Mr. Ho oversees and promotes the adoption of cutting-edge technologies, including Digital Twin, Building Information Modelling (BIM), Modular Integrated Construction (MiC), Artificial Intelligence (AI), Robotics, and the Smart Site Safety System (4S) in the industry.
2. Enhancing Construction Safety: Mr. Ho promotes a safety culture and measures to prevent accidents and a secure working environment on construction sites.
3. Managing the Construction Innovation and Technology Fund (CITF): Mr. Ho incentivises the industry to adopt advanced technologies and develop its workforce by leveraging the $2.2 billion CITF.
4. Promoting Sustainability and Green Practices: Mr. Ho contributes to sustainability efforts by developing initiatives such as the Sustainable Finance Certification Scheme, Carbon Assessment Tools, Smart Waste Management Tool and Green Product Certificate.
5. Showcasing Sustainable Construction and Innovative Construction technologies: Mr. Ho highlights and promotes innovative sustainable designs and practical technology implementations at the Zero Carbon Park (ZCP), MiC Resource Centre, Digital Twin Hub and the Construction Innovation and Technology Application Centre (CITAC).
6. Strengthening Collaboration with the Mainland: Mr. Ho fosters collaboration between the construction industry in Hong Kong and the mainland, particularly in the Greater Bay Area.
7. Industry Research and Best Practices: Mr. Ho manages the CIC Research and Technology Development Fund (R&D Fund) to encourage industry research, spearhead industry standards and develop reference materials to ensure best practices are followed.
Mr. Ho, a Chartered Engineer, boasts over 30 years of experience specialising in digital solutions for the Architecture, Engineering, Construction, and Owner-operated industry. He holds the distinction of being a Founding Board Member of the Hong Kong Institute of Building Information Modelling (HKIBIM) from 2008 to 2016. Additionally, he is a fellow member of the Hong Kong Institute of Civil and Building Information Management.
Mr Ho’s educational background includes a Bachelor of Science in Engineering (Mechanical) with First Class Honours, a Master of Science in Electronic Commerce and Internet Computing with Distinction, and a Master of Finance with Distinction. He was honoured as a winner of the HKCIC BIM Excellence Awards 2014 in the category of Construction Innovator by BIM. Furthermore, the Hong Kong Institute of Building Information Modelling recognized him with the Gold award as the Most Valuable BIMer of the year in 2021.
1. 採用尖端科技:何先生負責監督並推動建造業中採用尖端科技,包括數碼分身、建築信息模擬(BIM)、「組裝合成」建築法(MiC)、人工智能(AI)、機械人技術以及安全智慧工地系統(4S)。
2. 加強建造安全:何先生致力推動安全文化並採取預防意外措施,以確保建築工地的安全工作環境。
3. 管理建造業創新及科技基金(CITF):何先生通過22億港元的CITF來鼓勵建造業界採用先進科技及培養人才。
4. 推動可持續性和環保措施:何先生為可持續發展推動一系列措施包括:可持續金融認證計劃、碳評估工具、建築廢料智慧管理工具和綠色產品認證。
5. 展示可持續建築和創新的施工技術:何先生於零碳天地(ZCP)、「組裝合成」建築法資源中心、數碼分身中心及建造業創新及科技應用中心(CITAC)中展示創新的可持續設計和實際的科技應用。
6. 加強與內地的合作:何先生促進香港與內地建造業之間的合作,特別是在大灣區的合作。
7. 產業研究與最佳做法:何先生管理建造業議會研究與技術發展基金(研發基金),以鼓勵建造業的研發,引領業界標準並制定參考資料,以確保業界能遵循最佳做法。