Vision & Mission
he Hong Kong Computer Society (HKCS) was established in 1970 as a non-profit making professional body with the primary objective to promote the uses of information technology (IT) in Hong Kong by providing a medium for disseminating knowledge and promoting the appreciation of IT and related tools.
The HKCS aims to:
- provide a forum for the exchange of technical information and ideas amongst members;
- hold lectures, discussions, seminars, open forums on subjects related to IT;
- provide for those intended users of IT or related tools the opportunity of communicating with experienced users;
- foster an informed public opinion regarding the IT industry and its social implications;
- provide library or other facilities for the benefit of members in furtherance of their information technology knowledge;
- promote education on the Technology and training programs either on its own or in conjunction with other institutions in Hong Kong or overseas;
- promote fraternity among members;
- liaise with other (overseas and Hong Kong) professional bodies with similar objectives;
- advise the Hong Kong Government and the public general on matters affecting the interest of the IT profession;
- maintain and enforce a code of professional conduct for members to observe.