Hong Kong Computer Society
Founded in 1970, the Hong Kong Computer Society (HKCS), is the first well-recognised non-profit organisation focused on developing Hong Kong’s Information Technology (IT) profession and industry. Members hail from a broad spectrum of Hong Kong’s IT community, from corporations to like-minded individuals, all coming together to raise the profile and standards of our profession and industry.
To serve Hong Kong as the leading ICT professional body.
For five decades, the HKCS has been playing a vital role in molding IT culture in Hong Kong, and its energy, enthusiasm, and momentum are as positive today as when it was first formed. As a well-respected professional body, the Society is committed to professional and industry development as well as community services that ensure the IT sector continues to make a positive impact in peoples’ lives with the following three main goals:
1. Talent cultivation and professional development
2. Industry development and collaboration
3. The effective use of IT in our community
What We Do
Under the guidance of the HKCS Council, whose 25 members are recognised leaders hailed from the entire spectrum of our IT industry and profession, CIOB Board, Specialist Groups and Committees provide specialized knowledge and information in specific areas of interest and organise regular activities to help promote IT in Hong Kong, including conferences, seminars, workshops and visits on various subjects related to IT.
Through its Council and Committee Members, the Society is well represented in Government, professional, and industry advisory bodies to contribute to and advise on policies, standards and applications related to IT in both public and private sectors. Based on Members’ surveys and informed views of our Council and Committees, formal responses are regularly submitted to the Government in relevant consultation exercises.
Talent Cultivation and Professional Development
With Talent Cultivation and Professional Development being our primary goal, the Society persistently encourages our youths to pursue IT-related studies at our tertiary institutions and to take up IT as a career. As for continuing professional development, our 4 Specialist Groups (Artificial Intelligence, Cyber Security, Enterprise Architecture and Financial Technology) and 4 Industry Groups (Construction Tech, Health Tech, Retail Tech and Startup) disseminate technical and application knowledge of topical interests to in-service professionals through forums and networking activities.
IT Leadership Accelerator Platform (iLEAP) was set up and launched in 2017 to equip senior IT practitioners with the crucial skills for navigating challenges in the new technological landscape and prepare themselves for more senior leadership roles, which in turn, nurture more elite leaders to support Hong Kong’s economic development through ICT innovation.
Industry Development and Collaboration
Over the years, HKCS has established a strong network with local IT professional and organisations, with many co-organised and mutually supported events. Particularly worthy of note is an agreement on Reciprocal Recognition on Professional Qualifications RRPQ with the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers. An MOU was signed with the China Computer Federation since 2018 to lay down the groundwork for deeper exchange and cooperation towards the development of IT profession in the future.
On the international front, an excellent example is its EXCO Membership of the Asia Pacific ICT Alliance (APICTA) which conducts the annual APICTA Awards with HKCS organising an annual delegation from Hong Kong to compete with entries from Asia Pacific economies. Hong Kong results have always been good to excellent over the past years.
HKCS Secretariat
Tel: +852 2834 2228
Email: [email protected]
- 人才培育和專業發展
- 業界的發展和合作
- 資訊科技於社會上的有效運用
人才培育和專業發展是本會的首要目標。本會持續不斷地鼓勵青少年在大專院校選讀資訊科技相關的科目,並在將來投身資訊科技。持續專業發展方面,本會四個專家小組 (人工智能、網絡安全、企業架構設計及金融科技)及四個行業科技委員會 (建造業科技、醫療科技、零售業科技及初創) 通過論壇和人際網絡活動,爲在職的專業人員傳播各專題的技術性和應用性知識。
電話: +852 2834 2228
電郵: [email protected]