President and Group Chief Operating Officer, HKBN

Dr Denis Shing Fai Yip has been appointed as the President & Group Chief Operation Officer of HKBN Ltd., effective October 2024. Dr Yip is responsible for spearheading the Group’s operations and steering innovation to elevate customer and shareholder experiences.
With over 30 years of worldwide leadership in private and public sectors, Dr Yip has extensive business management experience and international exposure. He has worked in Hong Kong, Beijing, Guangzhou, San Francisco, Shanghai and Tokyo, and served in senior positions in a number of large enterprises.
Dr Yip started his career in IBM in 1991 and held a variety of senior management positions in the company, including Global Vice President, General Manager of the Asia Pacific Storage Division, President of the AS/400 Business in Asia Pacific Region, etc. Dr Yip was in charge of various businesses at IBM based in Guangzhou, Beijing, Tokyo and Shanghai, and was at the time the youngest Global Vice President of IBM in 2003.
He was the Global Senior VP and President, Greater China of EMC Corporation (“EMC”) from 2006 to 2017, and participated in formulating and setting strategic promotion plans whilst leading the team in developing the Greater China market. Upon the merger of Dell Inc. (“DELL”) and EMC, Dr Yip continued to be appointed as the Global Senior VP of DELL and the President of Greater China of EMC.
From 2017 to early 2019, he served as President and Director of the Digital China Holdings Company and the Fujian Start Group respectively. He steered the development of the enterprises and established their business footholds.
Dr Yip served as the Commissioner for Belt and Road of the Commerce and Economic Development Bureau from 2019 to 2021 and as the Chief Executive Officer of the Hong Kong Applied Science and Technology Research Institute (ASTRI) from 2021 to 2024. He is a veteran with extensive leadership experience covering technology, commerce and management.
Dr Yip holds a bachelor’s and a master’s degree in Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences from the University of California, Berkeley, alongside an MBA from Golden Gate University and a Doctor of Business Administration from the University of Management and Technology.
Dr Yip is a member of the Hong Kong Trade Development Council Innovation & Technology Advisory Committee and its Information & Communications Technology (ICT) Services Advisory Committee. In addition, he is a member of the Civil Service Training Advisory Board, Digital Policing Advisory Panel of the Hong Kong Police Force, Council Member of the Hong Kong Computer Society, Executive Committee Member of the China Real Estate Chamber of Commerce (CRECCHKI). He also serves as the Honorary Founding Technology Advisor of the Greater Bay Area Carbon Neutrality Association, Honorary Chairman of the Hong Kong Electronics & Technologies Association.
葉博士具備超過30年的環球領導經驗,橫跨私營和公營機構,擁有豐富的企業管理經驗及國際視野。葉博士曾於香港、北京、廣州、三藩市、上海及東京工作,並在多家大型企業擔任要職。葉博士職業生涯始於1991年,他曾在國際商業機器公司(IBM)擔任不同的高級管理職位,包括全球副總裁、亞太區存儲事業部總經理及亞太區 AS/400 業務總裁等。葉博士曾負責 IBM 在廣州、北京、東京和上海的多項業務,並於 2003 年成為當時 IBM 最年輕的全球副總裁。
葉博士於 2006 年至 2017 年間擔任 EMC Corporation (「EMC」) 全球高級副總裁及大中華區總裁,參與制訂策略性推廣計劃,同時帶領團隊開拓大中華區市場。戴爾科技公司(DELL)與EMC合併後,葉博士繼續擔任DELL全球高級副總裁及EMC大中華區總裁。
2017 年至 2019 年初,他分別擔任神州控股和福建實達集團的總裁和董事,帶領和推動集團的發展,並建立業務據點。