Chief Executive Officer, Hong Kong Internet Registration Corporation Limited

Wilson Wong Ka-wai is the Chief Executive Officer of Hong Kong Internet Registration Corporation Limited (“HKIRC”). A veteran of over 25 years in sales and management experience in private and public companies, Wilson is helming HKIRC in strategic business development and operational rhythm. Wilson is also responsible at the highest level for furthering HKIRC’s mission to promote Hong Kong as an international centre of e-commerce, and to encourage a better understanding and more effective use of the Internet and related technology in Hong Kong and across the region.
Before joining HKIRC, Wilson was the General Manager of IT Industry Development Division of Hong Kong Productivity Council, oversee HK IT Management Consulting, Cyber Security, Hong Kong Computer Emergency Response Team (HKCERT), Software Development, Business Process Management and Management Information System (MIS) functions. He also was Managing Director of SAP Hong Kong and held various key management positions in Microsoft Hong Kong.
Wilson holds a Master’s degree in Business Administration (EMBA) from The Chinese University of Hong Kong and a Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science from The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology.
在加入HKIRC之前,他曾擔任香港生產力促進局(「HKPC」) 資訊科技部總經理,他負責監督香港電腦保安事故協調中心(HKCERT),香港資訊科技管理諮詢,軟件開發和管理信息系統(MIS)職能。在此之前,他曾擔任SAP香港的董事總經理,並曾在香港微軟擔任多個管理層要職。