Head of Entrepreneurship, Hong Kong Cyberport Management Company Limited

As a passionate, strategic and result-driven leader with regional exposure, Alice has been dedicated to provide supports to Hong Kong start-ups for more than a decade. Before she joined Hong Kong Cyberport Management Company Limited in 2011, she supported the design-related start-ups for years at the Hong Kong and Science Technology Parks. She has also worked for multinational companies in plastic resins, chemical and pharmaceutical businesses, with an extensive business background in regional markets which require a deep understanding of multicultural and multi-ethnic working practices. Currently as the Head of Entrepreneurship, Alice leads the Entrepreneurship Team to nurture talents and assist startups at different life stages to accelerate in the digital tech industry worldwide, through the Cyberport Creative Micro Fund and the Cyberport Incubation Programme with financial support and professional services. She also drives the integration of traditional and new economies through adopting more innovative solutions as well as strengthens the collaboration of different stakeholders to foster the development of local industries and the economy.
With a Degree in Public and Social Administration and a Master in Engineering Business Management, Alice continues to equip herself with knowledge of business and technology trends, as well as to support and empower those around her to push the boundaries of their capabilities to become their best selves. She believes very strongly in the importance of people developing entrepreneurial mindset, no matter they are in the role of a student or an employee. Alice has been in the judging and assessment panels for signature technology awards and innovation funding schemes including the Hong Kong ICT Awards, the Jumpstarter of Alibaba Entrepreneurs Fund, 2019 MIT Inclusive Innovation Challenge, the Technovation and the TSSSU fundings of universities, etc. Currently Alice is a Council Member of the Hong Kong Computer Society, a Honorary Board Member of Hong Kong Medical & Healthcare Device Industries, a member of the Design Discipline Advisory Board of Hong Kong Design Institute, a Co-opted Member of the Working Group on Application of Technological Solutions for Enhancing Environmental Hygiene, Food and Health Bureau of The Government of HKSAR as well as a Project Management Professional (PMP).