Project Management Specialist Group (PMSG)

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The Project Management Specialist Group (PMSG), a specialist group under the Quality Management Special Interest Division (QMSID) of the Hong Kong Computer Society, aims to provide an active forum for the exchange of the best practices, personal experiences and practical ideas in project management for the IT industry. Our focus is to promote project management vigor and disciplines, project management efficiency, project quality awareness, and knowledge sharing.


We pledge to serve the HKCS members and the community with the following objectives for the upcoming years:

  • To create an open and simulating communication forum for sharing IT project management experiences that are relevant and valuable to both corporate environment and personal development;
  • To promote effective project management best practices and disciplines in preparing our members to tackle the challenges of today’s IT project management.
  • To stipulate a dynamic networking and communication channel through targeted publications, seminars, site visits, recognition of excellence awards, and open discussions that are aimed to achieve a higher level of understanding and knowledge sharing.
Committee Members
Chairperson:Mr. Benedict Lam
Committee Member:Dr. Oliver Au
Ms. Rose Chu
Dr. William Kwan
Mr. Jefferson Wat
Mr. Alan Wong
Dr. Ken Yau


Year 2014

2014/08/01 Site Visit to Cathay Pacific Cargo Terminal

Year 2012

2012/10/04 HKCS PMSG Seminar: Managing Stakeholders with Agile Project Management (DSDM), Prince2 & PMBOK
2012/09/07 HKCS PMSG Speaker's Meeting: A Common Sense Approach to Project Management

Year 2010

2010/12/01 PMSG Seminar: "Applying PRINCE2 Business Benefit"

Year 2009

2009/02/26 PMSG Seminar "To be an Effective Executive"

Year 2008

2008/04/14 - 2008/04/17 HKCS PMSG's Booth at the International ICT Expo 2008

Year 2007

2007/09/10 QMSID - PMSG Speaker's Meeting
2007/04/24 HKCS PMSG Executive Networking Cocktail

Year 2006

2006/12/04 PMSG Networking Hours