Renew HKCS Membership
With effective from 1 July 2019, membership renewal procedures will be implemented on the following conditions:
1. Renew within 3 months after expiration of the current membership will be extended for 12 months from the expiration date.
2. Renew after 3 months but within 6 months after the expiration of the current membership will be extended for 12 months from the expiration date. HK$300 overdue handling charge will be applied.
3. Renew more than 6 months after expiration of the current membership. Such membership will be extended for 12 months from the renewal date. HK$450 overdue handling charge will be applied.

Payment Method:
Annual membership fee can be settled by one of the following methods:
PayMe (HSBC)
Please click this link or scan the below code for payment and enter “Your Membership No” in the message.
To confirm the payment, please send us a copy of confirmation page to us by email ([email protected]) / fax (2834-3003) / post (Address: Room 1801, 18/F, Times Tower, 928-930 Cheung Sha Wan Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong).
Faster Payment Services (FPS)
Please enter “[email protected]” as recipient of payment .
To confirm the payment, please send us a copy of confirmation page to us by email ([email protected]) / fax (2834-3003) / post (Address: Room 1801, 18/F, Times Tower, 928-930 Cheung Sha Wan Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong).
Online Payment Services (Paypal)
Please visit to the online payment service website: and follow the instructions to settle the payment online
Bank Transfer
Please transfer the payment to HSBC A/C: 600-375430-001 (A/C Name: Hong Kong Computer Society)
- To confirm the payment, please send us a copy of bank-in slip (by ATM) / confirmation page (by Internet Banking) to us by email ([email protected]) / fax (2834-3003) / post (Address: Room 1801, 18/F, Times Tower, 928-930 Cheung Sha Wan Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong).
Please make cheque payable to “Hong Kong Computer Society” and post to HKCS Office (Room 1801, 18/F, Times Tower, 928-930 Cheung Sha Wan Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong)
Please make your e-Cheque payable to “Hong Kong Computer Society” and submit and upload the e-Cheque file to the online payment service (e-Cheque) website: or email to [email protected] (We accept e-Cheque issued by any registered banks of Hong Kong)
Membership Fee
Annual Membership Fee of HKCS membership (
Membership Grade | Admission Fee (HK$) | Annual membership Fee (HK$) |
Distinguished Fellow / Fellow | N/A | 1,000 |
Full / General | 300 | 500 |
Associate | 300 | 250 |
Student | N/A | 100 |
Honorary* | N/A | N/A |
Corporate | N/A | 3,800 |
* By HKCS Council nomination only, not available for application.
+ An overdue handling charge will be applied if membership expired more than 3 months, for details, please refer to
Discount on Annual Membership Fee (Not include Entrance Fee / Administration Fee)
Members may enjoy either of the followings:
1. Member of the following Associations / Societies (i) Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), (ii) Australian Computer Society (ACS), (iii) British Computer Society (BCS), (iv) Government Information Technology Professionals Association (GITPA), (v) Singapore Computer Society (SCS), (vii) Macao Computer Society (MCS) , (viii) Project Management Institute, Hong Kong (20% off)
2. Staff of a HKCS Corporate Member (20% off)
3. Senior Citizen (50% off)
Update Personal Information:
Please make use of “Change of Personal Particular Form” to update your personal information.
Should you have any further questions or comments, please do not hesitate to contact us at 2834-2228 or email to [email protected].