The theme for HKICC 2001 will be "IT Reality - Business and Community" .. It is chosen to reflect the wide impact of IT applications, particularly via their internet capability, outreaching every sector of business as well as every individual member of the society.

We will examine emerging technologies, innovative applications and their associated impacts on business as well as the community at large. We invite paper submissions, which address any of the areas related to the conference topics. Topics of particular interest include, but not limited to, the following three streams:s

Cryptography and Systems Security
Systems Monitoring and Management
Mobile Computing and Wireless Data Communication
Integration of mobile network, WAN and LAN
Bio-metric and Authentication Technologies
Multi-casting and Uni-casting Technologies
Collaborative Software
Web Certification
Web Applications
Web Modeling Language
Cross-media Publishing
Internet Search Engine Technologies
On-line Translation
Knowledge Management
Optical Technology and Applications
Teamware and Collaborative Software Technologies
Storage Area Networks

Business Transformation & Opportunities
Integration of New and Old Economy
Business Value & Practices
BPRCustomer Relationship Management
Privacy and Security
Mobile Commerce
Knowledge Management
Outsourcing and ASP
Customer Care and Customer Relationships
Enterprise Information Portal
Supplier Relationship Management
Supply Chain and Manufacturing

Societal Transformation
Quality of Life
Change of Life Style
Personal Data Protection
Youth Community
Health Care
Cyber Law
Impact of Internet on Family Life
Government Policies and Standards
Cooperative /Collaborative Learning
Virtual Universities
Infrastructure Support for Web-based Learning
Computer Assisted Teaching/ Learning
Environmental Protection
Intelligent Living Environment

Paper Submission

Submission of Abstracts

Prospective authors should submit an extended abstract of the paper in no more than 5 pages using font size 10 or larger including figures and references to the HKICC 2001 Programme Chairman, HKCS office, no later than 02 May 2001. One of the following three ways of submission is acceptable:
1. laser-quality hard copy by mail  Address to: Hong Kong Computer Society Unit D, 1/F., Luckifast Building 1 Stone Nullah Lane, Wanchai, Hong Kong 
2. laser-quality hard copy by fax Fax: (852) 2572 4460 
3. via e-mail with File in PDF format or MS Office 98 Email:  [email protected] 

The submission should also include a cover sheet stating the paper title, author's affiliation and technical area(s). Notification of acceptance for paper will be distributed by 11 May 2001.

Submission of Papers

The selection of papers for presentation will be made based on the accepted abstracts. Final papers should reach the HKCS office no later than 11 JUNE 2001. . Participants are requested to observe strictly the following guidelines for the presentation of the paper:

  1. The full papers must not exceed 10 pages of A4 sized paper using font size 10 or larger.
  2. Papers should be submitted in both hardcopy & computer diskette formats (PDF or MS Office 98); 
  3. All illustrations should be camera ready. 

The presentation papers will be selected for publication in the HKICC 2001 Conference CD-ROM and Web-site. 

Presentation of Papers

Unless speakers are invited to give longer sessions, paper presentations must NOT exceed 25 minutes including 5 minutes for discussion. Speakers should indicate precisely their audio-visual and computing equipment requirements for presentation of papers. Presentations will not be allowed to over-run the allotted time and equipment will operate on a time switch. 

Official Language

The official language of the conference is English. 

Exempted from Registration Fee

The speakers are exempted from the normal registration fee and entitled to attend all sessions of the two-day conference, lunch on 12-13 September and banquet on 13 September.

For Inquiry: Ms. Karman Lee
Tel: (852) 2572 3145 Fax: (852) 2572 4460 Email: [email protected] 

Hong Kong Computer Society, Unit D, 1/F., Luckifast Building, 1 Stone Nullah Lane, Wanchai, Hong Kong 
Tel: (852) 2572 3145 Fax: (852) 2572 4460 Email: [email protected]