Thank you very much for your great support to HKICC 2001. To reserve your seat, please complete the registration form below.

Upon the successful registration, please send a cheque, made payable to "HKICC 2001", to:

Hong Kong Computer Society,
Unit D, 1/F Luckifast Building,
1 Stone Nullah Lane,
Hong Kong.

For enquires, please contact Karman Lee at (852) 2572 3145.

Registration Form
Hong Kong International Computer Conference (12-13 September)
Normal fee  
A HKCS member or groups of 5 or more HK$3,300 Two-day conference, lunches and banquet on 13 September
B Non HKCS member HK$3,500 Two-day conference, lunches and banquet on 13 September

Total Amount HK$

Please fill in the form below: (* required field)

HKCS membership:
(if applicable)
Salutation: *
Given Name: *
Family Name: *
Position: *
Organization: *
Address 1: *
Address 2:
Address 3:
Office Number: - *
Mobile Number: -
Fax: -
Email: *
Payment In: HK$    
Invoice Required: Yes    No
Credit Card Information : *Temporary Unavailable *
Card Holder :
Card No. :
Expiry Date (MM/YY):
Card Type :
Visa Master AE Diners