Message from HKCS President & Conference Chairpersons

Ir Ted Y. T. Suen
President, Hong Kong Computer Society
Chief Information Officer, MTR Corporation Limited
I am pleased to announce that the Hong Kong International Computer Conference 2018 (HKICC2018) will be held at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre from 6th to 7th November 2018. Theme of the conference this year is "Building a Smarter Bay Area through Technology Leadership ".
The Greater Bay Area (GBA) consists of Hong Kong, Macau, and 9 other nearby cities in Guangdong, including Shenzhen. This represents a population of 67 million people with a combined GDP that is 12% of the national economy. This provides enormous opportunities for collaboration and business synergies among the 11 cities as well as a united force to world markets. I believe that the development of the Greater Bay Area will provide tremendous opportunities for the technology industry. With the growing need for digitization and business transformation within this region, there will be great growth potential for IT professionals.
HKICC this year is to highlight the Greater Bay Area’s long-term development and opportunities for technology and digitalization. The conference will mainly focus on four major areas including "Artificial intelligence", "Risk and Regtech", "Shared economy" and "Cross-border opportunities". World class technology experts, business leaders, academics and policy makers will gather and exchange their insights, and I believe the attendees will be benefited enormously.
I look forward to seeing you at the Hong Kong International Computer Conference 2018.
本人欣然宣佈,香港國際電腦會議2018 (HKICC2018) 將於今年11月6日至7日在香港會議及展覽中心舉行,今年主題為「科技引領-打造智慧灣區」。
粵港澳大灣區(Greater Bay Area)的組成由香港、澳門、以及包括廣州、深圳在內的九個廣東城市組成,擁有六千七百萬人口,佔國內生產總值百分之十二。十一個城市相輔相成,於國際市場內將可產生極大的協同效應。相信大灣區的發展,將為資訊科技界,提供各種令人振奮的機遇。隨著大灣區對數碼和業務轉型的需求不斷增長,資訊科技專業人員於大灣區內的發展潛力非常巨大。

Mr. Rocky Cheng
Chairperson of Conference Committee, HKICC 2018
Vice President (Greater China) of HKCS
General Manager of Information Technology, Bank of China (Hong Kong) Limited

Dr. Andy Chun
Chairperson of Programme Committee, HKICC 2018
Convenor, Artificial Intelligence Specialist Group, Hong Kong Computer Society
Regional Director -- Technology Innovation, Prudential Corporation Asia.
區域總監 -- 科技創新, 英國保誠集團(亞洲)
The Hong Kong International Computer Conference (HKICC) has been organised by the Hong Kong Computer Society (HKCS) annually since 1978, to bring together IT professionals and business and government leaders from all over the world to explore opportunities that information technology can offer, and to share successes and insight. More than 500 delegates are expected to attend the 41st HKICC this year, representing a variety of local and overseas public and private organisations.
The theme of this year is "Building a Smarter Bay Area through Technology Leadership". The development of technology in the Greater Bay Area (GBA) will be further explored, in particular the development opportunities for ICT industry of Hong Kong. This provides enormous opportunities for collaboration and business synergies among the 11 cities as well as a united force to world markets, with Hong Kong leading as the “super connector.” The theme of this conference highlights the tremendous opportunities for technology and digitalisation in the GBA region and beyond. It is an honour to invite expertise as our speakers and gains inspiration and opportunities by sharing their vision and wisdom. Participants will be able to have a better understanding of the development potential of GBA and the roles of IT.
I would like to take this opportunity to wish the Hong Kong International Computer Conference a success. Meanwhile, I would like to thank all the sponsors for their generous support, as well as our keynote speakers, the joint efforts of the members of the Organising Committee, and the administration of the Secretariat of HKCS. I truly appreciate your continuous support and your contribution will help us develop and succeed in future endeavors.
I am delighted to have you with us to participate and share in Hong Kong International Computer Conference 2018. Look forwards to seeing you.
「香港國際電腦會議」(HKICC)自1978年由香港電腦學會創辦以來,已成為業界一年一度的盛事,深受香港以至亞太區的資訊科技界及社會人士歡迎,旨在匯集香港及亞太區的資訊科技專才、商家和政府官員,發表研究成果與交流經驗。本年「香港國際電腦會議」為第 41屆,預計吸引逾 500 位來自世界各地的代表出席,繼續為資訊科技專才及企業提供廣泛交流的機會。
The theme of the Hong Kong International Computer Conference 2018 (HKICC 2018) is "Building a Smarter Bay Area through Technology Leadership". We will explore the opportunities brought by Greater Bay Area (GBA) for Hong Kong IT industry in four major areas including "Artificial Intelligence", "Risk and Regtech", "Shared Economy" and "Cross Border Opportunities".
“Artificial Intelligence” - this parallel session covers latest AI advancements, including topics such as Smart City and IoT.
“Risk and Regtech” - with an increased focus on managing risk and complying with stricter rules, the financial industry needed to find new ways to adapt. This parallel session covers the latest developments in Regtech, risk analysis, and cybersecurity.
“Share Economy” - this session will explore the exciting opportunities and discuss the technologies behind the scenes, e.g. Cloud and the role of Hong Kong startups for this new business model in the GBA region.
“Cross-Border Opportunities” - This session will explore the cross-border opportunities in the Greater Bay Area, including in logistic, financial, talent acquisition and employment, as well as academic research.
Professionals including CEOs, CFOs, CTOs, CIOs, Strategists, Trendsetters, Innovators, Entrepreneurs, MIS Managers, Operation Managers, Marketing Managers, Academics, and Policy Makers from both local and international corporations will gather to share their pearls of wisdom, experiences and visions.
I sincerely invite you to attend this annual IT industry event to meet the world-class leaders and scholars.
「風險及監管科技」上, 隨著風險管理漸趨受到重視及需要遵循更嚴格規例,金融行業需要尋找新的方式,應對與日俱增的網絡安全威脅。風險評估、監管科技的最新發展等,將會在這環節一一分享。