Computer Systems Ltd is a Hong Kong based software
company. Suntek specializes in search engines,
content management and knowledge base systems,
with emphasis on Asian language and Chinese support.
SME employing just five local staff, it has leveraged
its multilingual search engine and content manager
to win Hong Kong Government and other major
tenders against stiff international competition.
This product suite enables speedy service for
tens of thousands of successful searches every
day on such top sites as the HKSAR Government
Information Centre website (
- Hong Kong's largest portal), POINT (the Hong
Kong Police Intranet), Hospital Authority, and
local university sites, to name but a few.
suite is an integrated solution that allows enterprises
to manage documents effectively on both Internet
web sites and intranet enterprise information
portals. It can index and search documents in
English, traditional and simplified Chinese, Hong
Kong Supplementary Character Set and a further
range of Asian languages. In addition it can search
databases, formatted data, semi-structured data
and free text.
Offering superior search performance, it runs
on low cost hardware yet it scales up easily to
high end multiple processor and multiple server