The Hong Kong ICT Awards
(Awards) aim at building a large scale and internationally
recognised branding of ICT awards of Hong Kong under a collaborative
effort amongst the industry, the academia and the Government.
The Awards recognise, promote and commend the excellent achievements
to which Hong Kong ICT professionals and organisations contribute.
The Awards also encourage local practitioners to develop innovative
and creative ICT solutions, which will uplift the image of
Hong Kong ICT sectors, both locally and internationally.
The Hong Kong ICT Awards 2006 and 2007 had drawn over a significant
number of entries for the seven award categories; and successfully
increased the awareness amongst the industry and the public.
Following the success of the Awards in 2006 and 2007, the
Hong Kong ICT Awards 2008 will be another focal point of the
industry in 2008.
HKCS is the organiser of the "Hong
Kong ICT Awards 2008: Best Business Award"
(Formerly known as "IT Excellence Awards) with the objectives
of promoting a wider appreciation and adoption of information
and communications technology among local business organisation.
The target participation group includes all users and technology
providers in the local business sector.
The "HKCS – IT Excellence Awards" was established
in 1998 to recognise and promote innovative and original design
effort by outstanding practitioners in the ICT industry in
Hong Kong. This annual event has become a great tool to encourage
the use of ICT, stimulate innovation and competitiveness in
the ICT industry and raise public awareness of ICT application
Selected winners of the Awards will be nominated to participate
in the Asia Pacific Information & Communications Technology
Awards (APICTA), an annual regional event which aims at stimulating
economic and trade relations, technology transfer and business
matching opportunities through regional co-operation. |