Hong Kong ICT Awards 2024: Smart Business (Emerging Technologies) Award

This stream is to recognise outstanding locally developed IT products and services using emerging technologies such as: Artificial Intelligence (AI), Robotics, Big Data/Open Data, Augmented Reality (AR), Virtual Reality (VR), Mixed Reality (MR), distributed ledgers, IoT, 3D Printing, digital twins, etc. to provide innovative solutions for their target customers.

It is mainly targeting ICT PRODUCTS AND SERVICE PROVIDERS of their solutions and services for use by business and public sector organisations.

Hong Kong ICT Awards 2024: Smart Business (Solution for Business and Public Sector Enterprise) Award

As the application of Information Technology is essential to improve the operating efficiency and productivity, quality and overall competitiveness and customer service for both our business and public sector enterprises, this stream recognises outstanding locally developed applications which provide cost-effective and innovative IT solutions to business enterprises as well as public sector organisations. The awards encourage in-house applications developed and implemented by business and public sector organisations using the most appropriate technologies suiting the intended purposes.

It is mainly targeting USER ORGANISATIONS for their solutions (applications) developed in-house.

Hong Kong ICT Awards 2024: Smart Business (Solution for SME) Award

The stream is to recognise outstanding achievements in technological innovations in locally developed IT products and application/services for effective use by SME. The backbone of our economy is our SMEs, of which the adoption of ICT is crucial for its efficiency and productivity, and its global reach in marketing strategy and business expansion.

General Eligibility Requirements

  • The applicant must have the intellectual property right and/or legitimate right over the ICT product/service mentioned in the application. The applicant shall disclose disputes any place over the world over intellectual property right about the applicant’s ICT product/service, if any, for the Leading Organiser to consider eligibility of the application.
  • The application must be submitted by locally (Hong Kong) registered entities (please enclose Company/Business Registration proof) or residents in Hong Kong4 at the time of closing for entry enrolment.
  • A significant part of the innovation, design, research and development (R&D) of the mentioned ICT product/service must come from resources in Hong Kong. The applicant should demonstrate significant value-add by the Hong Kong resources contributing to the success of the ICT product/service in the target market.
  • With the exception of the Student Innovation category, the submitted product/service must have been available5 in the market for at least 3 months or in live operation for at least 3 months at the time of closing for entry enrolment (please enclose proof – e.g. delivery note, invoice, public announcement, advertisement, internal announcement, etc.).
  • The same application is only allowed to be submitted to a maximum of ONE award stream among all the Categories. Any application found to have entered into more than one award stream will be disqualified.
  • Winning entries of the Gold/Silver/Bronze award in previous years of the HKICT Awards can enter the Awards again only if there is significant change or enhancement in the product/service, or for a new award category.

4. “Residents in Hong Kong”, in the context of HKICT Awards, include both permanent and non-permanent residents. If an entry is submitted by more than one person, at least half of the members of the group must be Hong Kong resident. For the case of Student Innovation category, certification of Hong Kong resident status can be performed through certifying student status collectively by concerned educational institution.

5. Examples are applications and products already in the market, application systems deployed internally in a company, and mobile solutions available at App Stores. For startup companies competing for ICT Startup Award, prototypes appear only on kickstarter or similar platforms are NOT considered as available in the market.

Rules and Regulations

  • Applicants are advised to be aware of the best practice and case-based experience as promulgated by the Office of Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data.
  • Applicants are reminded that any person who, without the permission of Steering Committee of Hong Kong ICT Awards, offers an advantage to parties involved in the Awards as a reward or inducement for doing any act or showing favour in relation to the Awards commits an offence of the Prevention of Bribery Ordinance (Cap. 201).
  • To avoid conflicts of interest and the perception as such, applications for the Awards from sponsors will not be accepted.
  • In case of any dispute, the decision of the Leading Organiser will be final and binding on all parties concerned. 

Application Procedures

Each entrant should return the completed entry form on or before 12:00 noon, 12 July 2024 to the Organiser (HKCS) (Room 1801, 18/F, Times Tower, 928-930 Cheung Sha Wan Road, Kowloon).


Official call for entries22 April 2024
Deadline for Enrolment12 July 2024 (12:00nn)
Smart Business Award Presentation Ceremony22 November 2024 (Tentative)
HKICTA Awards Presentation Ceremony (Organised by OGCIO)22 November 2024 (Tentative)

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Miss Carol Ho

Tel: +852 2834 2263

[email protected]

Fax: +852 2834 3003