Day 1 - 24
November 2015 (Tuesday)
Session 2: ‘FinTech’
16:05 –17:05
Debate (Debater)
Digital Currencies Will Replace Conventional Notes and Coins
within the Next Decade
Day 2 – 25
November 2015 (Wednesday)
Session 5: ‘Cyberlaw, Security and Privacy’
Individual Presentation
Updates on International Endeavours in Legal Provisions and
Technical Standards to Enhance Cybersecurity (EU Model
clauses, ISO 27000 series)
Mr. Michael Mudd
Secretary - General, Asia – Pacific & MEA, The Open Computing Alliance
Michael (Mike) Mudd is the Managing Partner of Asia Policy Partners LLC (APP) an IT strategy and trade
policy advisory firm that he founded in 2009. Prior to this he held leading commercial positions with Riverbed
Technology and Standard Chartered Bank PLC, where he was a Senior Manager in the trade banks online
commerce department, joining the bank from Noble Group a global physical commodity firm, where he was
the head of the ecommerce division.
He is the chief representative of the UK based Open Computing Alliance for APAC and the Middle East/Africa.
He is an appointed technical expert to JTC-1 of the ISO in Geneva and Is an invited speaker to APEC, where
he has mentored member economies on technology, business continuity and Cloud computing, specifically
for SME’s. He is a member of the Government of Hong Kong’s Expert Group on Cloud Computing; the
Working Group on Cloud Security and Privacy.
He holds committee positions on IT Policy, FinTech and Cloud in the Hong Kong Computer Society and The
Overseas security advisory Council OSAC , where he is on the Senior Advisory Board for Hong Kong, as
well as other chambers and associations in the region. He has been the Chairman of the IT, IPR and Telecom
Committee for Amcham Hanoi since 2007. He is concurrently the APAC Ambassador for the Cloud Credential
Council a nonprofit group that encourages training and certification of Cloud technologists and actively
participates in the work of the Asia Cloud Computing Association.